Hada Labo Tokyo

Hada Labo came to Hughes&Co ahead of their launch in the Canadian market, a brand new frontier for this well established international brand. We built them a website with translation that is a reflection of their brand ethos. Simple, easy to use and delivers exactly what you need to get the job done. Following their site design, build and launch we got to work on establishing Canadian packaging. You can find our work on the shelves at Costco nationwide!

Hada Labo Toyko needed to enter the Canadian market with a swing. We built a digital home that would quickly educate a curious consumer, and designed a packaging set that sailed through Costco approvals and saw their product on shelves in record time.

We love these product, and all three is better than one! It has been a thrill to introduce the unparalleled hydrating power of this trio to consumers nationwide through Costco. Notorious for rigorous packing standards, specifications and processes, we sailed through packaging approval to meet a tight distribution deadline. Find them in store now.

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Redefine your brand with Hughes&Co’s strategy chops, collaborative thinking, and ambition for better. Your focus is growth. So is ours.

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