First Steps to Creating a Brand Identity that Works

Written by Hanna | 9/9/13 1:08 PM

When it comes to creating a brand, one of the most crucial objectives is consistency.  This doesn't extend exclusively to the actual graphics and colours having an element of cohesion, but how consistent they are with the brand itself. The way I look at designing a brand is not necessarily to create the best design, colour combination, or logo (although, not to toot our own horns... we have designed some stellar identities).

I work to create a brand that fits the company or individual we are rebranding; I design to create the best and most logical/representative brand for the client. For example, I'm going to approach a balloon company different than I'm going to approach a law office, in terms of design. 

Considering Your Brand

The way I look at designing a brand is not necessarily to create the best design, colour combination, or logo (although, not to toot our own horns... we have designed some stellar identities). I work to create a brand that fits the company or individual we are rebranding; I design to create the best and most logical/representative brand for the client. For example, I'm going to approach a balloon company different than I'm going to approach a law office, in terms of design. 

There are certain unwritten guidelines for what works, and what doesn't for design projects.  If you take a stack of business cards for lawyers, there is going to be quite a lot of design consistency between them.  They're going to be mainly white and black print, and very simple and to the point.  However, if you took a stack of business cards for say, a restaurant, they're all going to be extremely different for the most part, and all different colours and formats.

Know Your Industry (and your Identity)

We work with determined themes that vary by industry... and once in a while we break the rules. It is about a feeling we get and as we discuss with the client and discover the essence of the business that we can make the decision. Having a streamlined process is important, but our savvy and instinct is what makes our clients shine.

Keeping it Consistent

Once the brand is developed, consistency is key.  Everything should fit. Sounds simple and logical, right? This is where we put on our "watch-dog" hats and cruise the brand communication for mis-steps that result in sloppy execution. And it happens all of the time. When we brand a company, we pay attention. We want your brand to work for you and as you grow and progress we help to guide that process.  

Your Visual Checklist

  • Your Logo - Logos should be able to go on any piece of marketing for that product or business and not look out of place. 
  • Font Colours and Styles - Font colours and styles should match. 
  • Colour Palette - It's also important to develop a colour scheme and stay true to that... when you think Joe Fresh, you think orange. That is important!  Those 3 or 4 colours will drive every single piece of company marketing that is introduced - they become you!

Own Your Brand

So what I am really getting at is own your brand, be your brand and make it a vital element of your day to day. Do you have the logo and the branding in place already? Great! Work on the company voice, become something bigger than what you are with some polish and creativity! Be inspired... we love that.

If you're looking for a Niagara marketing agency that will turn up the results for you, look no further. We will help you with all of your St. Catharines logo design and branding needs.